Haylie & Jamison

Haylie and Jamison's photos are the definition of a timeless romance. Her bouquet was detached from an exact color pallet which allowed me the freedom of inspired tones and textures. Their love story starts in Paris.....what a dream, and is below for you to gush over the details. 

Notre Histoire d’Amour “Our Love Story”
Jamison and Haylie had connections long before they met each other. Jamison moved into his beautiful home on Shadow Wood Circle in 2005, and as fate would have it, a few years later the Siddoway family, Haylie’s relatives, moved in right across the street.
Jamison decided to serve a mission and was called to Paris, France, and left July 2014. After her freshman year at Brigham Young University, Haylie decided to serve a mission and too was called to serve in Paris, leaving only three months after Jamison. They both grew to love France and its people. All the while, Jamison had heard from the Siddoways that their cousin, Sœur Haylie VanDenBerghe, was serving in Paris, too, and they wanted them to meet. At one particular zone conference near the end of their missions, Elder Jones finally met Sœur VanDenBerghe. They had a simple conversation, but neither of them remembered meeting each other until after their missions.
After returning home, Haylie and Jamison both attended BYU, and the Siddoways were anxious to set Jamison and Haylie up on a date. After having Haylie’s number in his phone for months, he finally gave in and called to ask her on a date. Their first date involved going to a taxidermy museum and painting their favorite animal on exhibit. Haylie enjoyed this first (odd) outing with Jamison, and they started casually dating. After a few dates, Haylie was confused about whether to pursue Jamison or stop dating. She decided to follow the council of her mom and “give him one more chance by going on another date.” She did, and the rest is history. Nine months later, Jamison proposed to Haylie in Kauai, overlooking the NaPali coast. 

Photography/ Raegan Christensen  Photography 

Florals/ Picked Florals By McKayla


Kelsey & Addison


A Red Rock Bohemian Editorial